Things I’m Looking For At E3 2018

It’s time for E3 and I’m ready to see what will be revealed at the gaming convention. I don’t think there will be any big news for the consoles this year. In that case, this year would be a game-intensive year. There are some great games that will either be revealed or show another trailer. Without further ado, here are some things I’m looking for at this year’s E3.


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Although EA Play is separate from the E3 events, I still considerate it as part of the experience. The event is tomorrow (Saturday June 9th) and it will be interesting to see what EA will show from the upcoming sports games as they always do. The main one they show is FIFA and the newest installment will once again feature Ronaldo on the cover. It’ll be interesting to see how they present the next NBA Live since it seems like the gap between that and NBA 2K seems to be getting smaller by the year. Star Wars Battlefront 2 wasn’t much better than the first so I’m curious to see what other content they’ll show at the presentation. The only other things to note are Anthem which I don’t know a whole lot about and the recently revealed Battlefield V.


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Microsoft used to have their presentations on Monday but have now decided to move their slot to Sunday afternoon. The change seems like it could be a good one since more people would be able to watch. Microsoft will be showing off Indie exclusives like they have in the past whether they’ll be good (Cuphead) or bad (Super Lucky’s Tale). There’s a good chance a new Gears of War game could be revealed since it’s been a few years since the last one came out. From what I’ve seen, Halo 6 could get some screen time as well as Forza Horizon 4.


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I’m not big on Bethesda, but Fallout 76 and Rage 2 seem to be locks for their showcase. Look out for Doom and Elder Scrolls 6 as they could be hits.

Dear Square Enix, it is time for the release date reveal. Sure, it’s the first E3 appearance for the people behind Final Fantasy (which is most likely their big showcase) since 2015. They will have some other games to watch such as the Avengers game, Dragon Quest XI, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. However, the thing I’m looking for most is the Kingdom Hearts 3 release date. I know they will show the game for sure since they are releasing the game this year. There hasn’t been an official release date this year and that’s all I need left for the game. The game will be great, and I’m just ready to play it.


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After Square Enix on Monday, Ubisoft will be most likely showing off Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and The Division 2. Rumors are flying around the highly anticipated Beyond Good and Evil 2.

Sony caps off Monday night with their presentation. Their four heavy hitters this year will be The Last of Us II, Death Stranding, Spider-Man, and Ghost of Tsushima. There’s a good chance for God of War DLC along with indie exclusives.


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Nintendo will be Switch intensive on Tuesday mostly showing the new version of Super Smash along with Let’s Go Pokemon games and possibly Metroid Prime 4. Mario is bound to show up along with possibly a Diablo III port. The Pokemon games look ok at best, but I want to see more Mario sports games in the near future as Mario Tennis Aces releases on June 22nd.


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As a final note, I would love to see footage or screenshots from Spyro 2 and maybe even Year of the Dragon from the Reignited Trilogy. The Spyro trilogy is a part of my childhood. With the reveals based around the first game, I really exicted to see the sequels in the remastered versions and can’t wait to play Reignited on September 21st.


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The Bavarian Legend is No Joke

When you go to the movie theater, the first snack you think of getting is popcorn. A bucket of warm, fresh, buttery popcorn with a cold soda is perfect for the movie theater experience. If you’re not craving popcorn, cookie dough bites are an acceptable alternative. I’ve seen theaters sell pretzels, but I never thought to get one. My guys at Lights, Camera, Podcast have lately discussed this new food at AMC Theaters. AMC has recently tried to update their menu with different foods. One of them is a monster sized pretzel known as the Bavarian Legend, and it definitely lives up to the name.


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So I bought my ticket to see Blockers and walked up to the concession stand. I looked at the menu and saw the treasured pretzel. Yeah, it’s a bit pricey with a drink, but it might have been worth it.


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I ordered it and the guy had to cook it. I felt like a prick because the guy could only fix my order to make sure the pretzel was made right and a line was starting to form. In the end, I just wanted to eat this 1.5 pound snack. It was a good pretzel to eat during a hilarious movie such as Blockers which you can find my spoiler free review here.



Sadly, I could not eat the whole thing. Had I not eaten lunch about 4 hours before, I may have conquered the legend. But I digress, and I encourage anyone who reads this blog to try the Bavarian Legend at the nearest AMC.

Wendy’s Dropping a Mixtape Further Proves Twitter’s Greatness

Oh, Wendy’s. You never cease to be amazing when it comes to your social media game. You live up to the hype of the memes created by you. You answer questions so elegantly when asked about different things. Your food is great as well. Now you’ve made a mixtape. I’ve got to check this out!


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Sidenote: this isn’t by any means a comprehensive review of this mixtape.

I know my co-host Beau isn’t a big music guy, but his love for Wendy’s should gravitate him to listening to this mixtape. Anyways, this mixtape is straight fire like their food. First of all, the name, We Beefin?, is perfect. I’m not sure why the artist is called At Wendy’s unless it’s a play on @wendy’s. Next, the beats are great. Kudos to the production team behind this project. The songs were enjoyable to listen. Also, who is the rapper? She, I assume, was phenomenal so don’t be surprised if we hear more heat from her in the future. Lastly and most importantly, there is savagery throughout the 5 songs that last a total of about 10 minutes (great choice by the way considering I didn’t want a 30 minute listen session for this mixtape). The lyrics are constantly bashing both McDonald’s and Burger King for their food, service, and social media game. Check out the song “Rest In Grease”, especially since they diss Ronnie’s Steakhouse for their constant issue with the ice cream machine not working.


Holy Crap


So shout out to Wendy’s for not giving a crap and totally throwing shade towards the competition. Wendy’s always kills it on Twitter and now they’re entering the music world. If I was competition, I would just back away and not even try to mess with these guys. At the end of the day, I like Wendy’s and I would hate to be added to their list of targets to destroy on Twitter. We all know that being their foe is a social death warrant, and I just want to eat their 4 for $4 specials because I’m a cheap guy who’s willing to give even the smallest amount of money to eat good food and not make a mortal enemy.

Why Did Nike Make Fruity Pebbles Shoes?

These shoes present the age old question formed by the meme gods themselves: “What are those?!”



Seriously though, what even are these shoes? Fruity Pebbles work as a tasty cereal and a funny backdrop for a logo (looking at you Mickstape), but they don’t look tasty when it comes to these kicks.


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These shoes don’t even look good. I’ve seen negative reception about them on Twitter. Shoutout to my guy Daniel for his input on these shoes.



I’m not saying I’m a shoe aficionado, but I wouldn’t waste any money on these shoes. I’d rather buy Fruity Pebbles and glue them on plain white sneakers. I guarantee you those would sell. Speaking of people who collect shoes, I wonder what my wife Liv Morgan thinks about these kicks.

Liv No



What We Learned from Final Space Last Week (Episode 1)

The fat space cat is a great depiction of me watching Final Space in the opening episode. Amazed by the animation and captivated by the story, it left me breathing heavy with excitement. I believe we possess a great story on our hands, folks! In this series, we will look at Final Space as each episode passes, recapping what will happen (spoiler-filled), and we will make bold predictions about the show’s outcome. If you’re a loser like me, you didn’t watch the special extra episode on the TBS app or website, but it’s okay because we will always have Monday nights for the next episode! So let’s begin, shall we? I’m Drew from Culture of Personality and here are the take-aways from this week’s Final Space episode.


We are introduced to a great band of characters. The first character introduced is our main lead: Gary. A blonde-haired prison, serving a 5-year sentence. He is driving to the point of insanity by the ongoing desire for freedom expressed in a cookie and a desire to find someone to play cards the proper way. He is imprisoned on a space craft floating across the universe. His desires for a companion and a cookie consume his sanity. Every time he gets a cookie, another week is added to his sentence. What a terrible form of torture…

The second character introduced to the viewer is Hue. Hue is the space craft’s computer, sounding as the computer from 2001: A Space Odyssey. His creepily tone is frightening, but the computer is the reasonable friend to Gary, even though it possesses a main function of running the space ship carefully and protecting Gary. Unlike Hue, one of the robots in the holding cell is Kvn. Kvn is hated by Gary from the moment they meet, even Gary states, “I already don’t like you,” after Kvn introduces himself. Kvn is the annoyance of Gary’s life in prison, as Kvn’s main function is providing comfort to Gary and making it clear that Gary will not go insane. By being annoying and overly attempting to provide comfort, Kvn fails at his job, especially when he “eats” a cookie in front of Gary (Kvn simply takes the cookie, shoves it into a place where his mouth belongs, only crushing the cookie against his face, so Gary has a reason to be mad).

The next onslaught of characters met within the series are Captain Quinn, Gary’s love interest. As a captain, Gary isn’t in the same league as Quinn. We were introduced to Quinn in the first episode and we do not know much about her, other than her position and lack of interest into Gary. Another character introduced in the beginning episode is Avocato. Avocato is a cat-like alien called a (pardon my spelling) Ventrexian(?). Avocato is hired by the story’s villain to capture Gary’s new friend. We’ll get to that point in a minute.

The villain introduced to the viewer is Lord Commander. While his motives are not clearly developed into the story, he has made his power known by killing a minor character. He is voiced by the extremely talented David Tennant. In my opinion, he is one of the darkest cartoon villains in a long time. Overall, David Tennant performs his best through this character since his days as Doctor Who. Lord Commander is terrifying and he is ruthless.

The final character introduced is the main reason for the adventure and story of Final Space. Mooncake is a genetically enhanced alien who destroys planets. Mooncake is adorable and cannot speak a single word of English, but he builds a bond with Gary. It is the new friendship which causes Gary to fight anyone attempting to steal Mooncake.


As the episode begins, Gary floats in space and leaves the audience with questions. The story transitions to the point of hours or days before the events. We are sent to the true beginning of the story, where we see Gary awakening for his daily routines. Gary is alone and desires a cookie. As the mundane duties required from Gary’s sentence, he encounters Mooncake. Mooncake develops issues for Gary as they are attacked by Lord Commander’s bounty hunters. In the show, we learn about Gary and his background, as he makes new friends and goes on an adventure. Once the episode has finished introducing characters, we see the story unfold, as Gary does not believe in the dangers of Mooncake. We are witness to Mooncake’s power by his destruction of the asteroids coming to crush Gary. Overall, the episode leaves the viewer with questions and excitement for the next episode.


We are left to ask: what will happen next? What is Avocado going to do to Mooncake? Will Avocado betray Gary? Will Gary meet the Lord Commander? Will Lord Commander’s plan for Mooncake be revealed? We will find out in the following episodes!


If you enjoy sci-fi, you’ll enjoy Final Space. If you enjoy a bit of comedy, you’ll enjoy Final Space. Final Space’s humor comes from the mind of Olan Rogers. This humor is full on display in the first episode which goes back to his Balloonshop material or the beginning days of his YouTube channel. The animation is phenomenal in all scenes throughout as it combines animation styles that left me awestruck. Overall, I am excited for this series and encourage all people to watch the series as Olan outdoes himself again!


As usual, I’m Drew from Culture of Personality. Follow Weekend Conversation on Twitter, Instagram, and Twitch! As well, subscribe to their weekly blogs, some written by me. As well, you can follow me on Twitter at @culturalpersona and subscribe to our podcast on any Apple device. I’ll blog to you very soon! Have a good weekend.


Olive Garden Just Sent a Cease and Desist to a Parody Twitter Account

I was on Twitter today scrolling through my timeline when I saw one of my favorite accounts post a funny tweet. Seinfeld Current Day usually tweets about what if scenarios and jokes related to Seinfeld plots and characters if they interacted in today’s world. Today that account posted a tweet related to the recent AR-15 news.



At first look, this tweet looks to be harmless and satirical. In fact, I chuckled a bit. But someone didn’t think it was all that funny. That someone is Olive Garden. Olive Garden’s got the sauce, literally and figuratively. What they don’t have is a sense of humor. Restaurant Twitter accounts are starting to become memes, but I’d rather have a funny account from a restaurant than a serious one. In response to the Seinfeld account, Olive Garden sent a cease and desist.


Well, Olive Garden, it looks like you couldn’t handle the heat so get out of the kitchen. That’s how the joke works I think. Anyways, these guys are acting softer than a plate of breadsticks with a pinch of salt. I honestly think it’s funny that this happened. This proves why Twitter is the best form of social media. Parody accounts: 1, restaurants: 0.


Seinfeld Cigar

What To Do If Your Wife Is Cheating On You With A Nintendo Villain

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“NOT IN THIS HOUSE,” you proudly proclaim as you set all of your Nintendo based games in your house ablaze. After much of the flames consume the video games, you think to yourself, “I have nothing to worry about anymore,” as you recollect your fear-filled thoughts of video game villains attempting to steal your wife. Time passes by and you recall the flames as if it were yesterday, watching Bowser’s face melt. The joy filled your heart and you couldn’t be any more proud, just as when you’re father looked at you on your wedding day to tell how proud he felt for you because it was one of the only things you’ve ever done correctly.


It isn’t until you hear a familiar noise. You don’t can’t recollect your memories of the noise, but it sounded so familiar. The first day, you shrug it off as you hearing things again because the voices in your head are normally friendly. But after weeks of hearing the noise, you realize it sounds like a Bowser-like dialogue. You remember the familiar sound from playing Super Mario 64 on the Nintendo 64. You are shocked and disgusted at the same time! Did somebody keep the Nintendo 64 console AND Super Mario 64.


But you watched both of them burn in the dumpster fire several weeks ago, so where else could it be coming from? Then you realize it is coming from your wife’s phone.

“Dear,” you state, but she doesn’t move look at you. She is only staring into her phone. She proceeds to finish her text and slowly leaves the room. The awkward silence is deafening. You begin to worry. Is she seeing a Nintendo villain behind your back?




You’ve placed the ringtone thought into the back of your mind. You don’t think any more about it…until another incident occurs.

You’re enjoying a lovely breakfast with your wife before the long day of work begins. “Dear, could you please pass the jelly?”

“Absolutely, Ganondorf…” she replies.


Another awkward silence fills the room. You are fully aware that your name is not Ganondorf, the famous villain from the Legend of Zelda. It could be a simple mistake if your name was Gandalf, but no one loves the Lord of the Rings to the extent to name their child after the great Wizard. You would overlook the mistake if your name was Canon, but you are not a 17th-century weapon and neither have you legally changed your name to Canon.

It’s a tense moment, but you never mention it. You silently grab the jelly and spread it on your toast while you contemplate what occurred. You shrug it off and don’t want to start an argument with her before you head to work. Even though, you avoid it, you feel it. You know it. Something is wrong.




You’ve been noticing some strange things around the house. She’s been busy the past few weeks. Away from you and out of your sight. You  retrieve the mail. Another book from Amazon? You didn’t order a new book. You don’t even leisurely read anymore. After several different orders from Amazon, you realize it was ordered by your wife. You take the mail inside and let your curiosity get the best of you. She spends her time at a production factory. Why does she spend her time there?

You walk to the computer, log onto Amazon. You find the recent orders from the site. To your surprise, she has ordered new books about space, NASA technology, and…engineering? You are confused. Your thoughts are being carried away. You cannot fathom what she must be working and piecing together. By the sounds of it, she is working to piece together her new lover, Ridley from Metroid Prime.

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You decide to not pursue this any further. Your mind is playing tricks on you. You don’t think about it until you hear her say, “I’ll be at the factory.” You are alone with your thoughts. Your fear begins to rise. Why? Because you know what is in that place. Lies! Well, in your case. But, realistically, it is your wife and tools. Do you know who needs to tools to survive and revive back to life to fight their arch-nemesis? You guessed it! Ridley!



“EXPLAIN THIS,” you exclaim at your wife. In the middle of your rant, you throw a piece of clothing at her. It is a giant red coat, resembling King Dedede, the ruler of Dream Land and the arch-frenemy of Kirby.


She stares at the coat. While she is trying to think of a response, you become furious, ready to burn down the home where those treacherous villains stood. She looks deeply into your eyes, providing the false hope she’ll confess her sins.

She looks and asks, “How could you forget that I’ve signed you up to be Santa Claus this winter at the local hospital?”

You calm yourself. You think, “What is she talking about?”

“Dear, why would you do something without my approval and volunteer me for something roughly ten months away?”

“You never listen to me! I mentioned this to you a week ago that we needed to help the local hospital during the holidays,” she exclaims.

You are confused even more. You don’t remember this conversation. She is upset and you can tell it from the look on her face. Instead of arguing, you avoid the conversation because it is not the time for it. You are aware something isn’t correct within your household.

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You need fresh air. You recollect the wonderful memories of walking through the park with your wife. She has loved animals all of her life, as she would point out every bird at the park in your memory. “That’s it,” you say to yourself. You plan a date day to visit animals. You cannot believe you’ve never thought of this until now. To save your sanity, you need out of that wretched house and be alone with your wife. In hopes of rekindling an old flame, you plan a day at the zoo.

Once you arrive at the zoo, the conversations are awkward, like the car ride to the location. It’s strange, but you could care less about anything. The only care you possess is winning over your wife. You notice she is eyeing a particular section of the zoo. You couldn’t help but ask, “Dear, where would you like to go first?”

“The Reptile House is where I want to go!” Why would she want to go to a house filled with reptiles? You are aware she hates all forms of reptiles. You oblige and begin to walk in that direction.

Once inside, she walks to look at the crocodiles. As you watch the motionless beasts, she states, “You know there is a king that rules over this pack, right?”

You become confused. Last you checked, crocodiles don’t have a pack-leader mentality. You would’ve been told that by the Discovery Channel shows you watched as a boy. As you continue to stare, questions rise in your head. You entertain her comments, “Which one of these crocodiles is the leader of this pack?”

“None of these are the leader. The leader doesn’t live in an exhibit but a throne room,” she responds quickly.

What is this madness? What is she talking about? A throne roo…then it hits you. You remember those fond days of playing Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong games. King K. Rool, the king of the crocs. How did she know? Are you simply overthinking it? Is it King K. Rool? You cancel the date and head home in awkward silence.



This is it. You’ve reached the end of your rope. This is the last thread of sanity you possess. So, here are a list of steps to finding this home-wrecking villain.

Step One: Talk to your boss and ask for time off

Trust me, they will understand. They may even give you a thumbs up and an encouraging word before your journey.


Step Two: Purchases

This will cost a bit of money, but it is for your marriage. If you do not already have one, then I encourage you to purchase a Nintendo Reality Adapter. It can be used for all consoles, although they claimed it would only work for the Gameboy. Anyways, purchase this item before it is too late.

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Step Three: Find Her Stash

You know she has been hiding her games so she may make frequent visits to her hidden lover. A gaming device. A memory card. You’d even accept a controller. You’re desperate for anything.

You find it. A Gamecube. Interesting. So, you find the memory card. You don’t look at game, you plug it up, plug up the Reality Adapter. You let the machine do it’s own thing. You are sucked into the game. Your journey is almost complete.


Step Four: Understand Your Surroundings and Don’t Die

You are here. You’ve been wondering for so long about this moment. You are unaware of the surrounding. It is a wooded area filled with space ships. Star Wars Battlefront, possibly? No, they never made that for the Gamecube. Whatever the case, you must figure it out your location and survive.

Be careful!

Remember, you can die in this virtual reality. Also, your wife can legally divorce you if you are dead. So don’t provide her with the satisfaction. But as you follow the path to find the home-wrecker, you must move quickly.

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Step Five: Find Him

All roads have led to this moment. You see someone in sight and it is one of the greatest villains of all time…





Wait a second, you (the reader) reply. Isn’t he a hero in an Nintendo game? Yes, I’m simply telling the story of dear friend of mine. Besides, any man that plots to ruin your marriage is a villain anyways.

Back to the steps. Once you reach his base, it is go-time. You grab this pint-size pipsqueak by the astronaut suit, pushing him against the nearest tree. His suit smells like your detergent at home. As you threaten him and he confesses his evil deeds for marital sabotage, remember to not allow your feelings to overwhelm you, otherwise he will escape.

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Whatever you decide to do from this point is your own choosing. It is a virtual world, need I remind you. Just remember to not allow any friends or visitors in your house to accidentally power off the game. Otherwise, it begins another problem for you. So be careful, my friends.

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Those are some of my weekly tips. Thank you for reading. You can follow me on Twitter @CultralPersona and continue to read any of Weekend Conversations blogs and listen to their podcasts. I’m Drew from Culture of Personality, and I’ll be writing to you soon! Have a good weekend!


McDonald’s Proves Once Again Why They Suck

Disclaimer: I can eat McDonald’s breakfast like nobody’s business. Their coffee’s decent, the Hotcakes with syrup are delicious, and the sausage McGriddles are freaking heaven in a sandwich.


Now that I’ve told you that, let me say that McDonald’s is absolute trash, especially the recent changes to their menu. The new value menu seemed good on paper. However, people were furious about the fries’ price increase among the other changes. Speaking of fries, Taco Bell just so happened to release their Nacho Fries around the time of the change. Mickey D’s couldn’t have been thrilled with the buzz and positive reception of the new fries.

taco bell fries

Just today I read an article from Business Insider about another change from McDonald’s. This one affects the kid’s menu instead.

McDonald’s has taken cheeseburgers and chocolate milk off the Happy Meal menu – and not everyone is happy.

The items were taken off the menu for nutrition concerns in what McDonald’s head of global nutrition told Business Insider was “a gentle nudge in encouraging more positive choices.”

Unfortunately, many customers see it as a harsh shove in a direction they don’t want. They’ve taken to social media to voice their concerns over McDonald’s playing a more active roll in their children’s food choices.

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I don’t care how they try to spin this into a healthier decision for kids. Children don’t care about eating healthy. They want good food and sweet treats. When I was younger, I would come home from school and eat Funyuns with a glass of chocolate milk as a snack. What McDonald’s is doing is criminal and will definitely come back to bite them. Our society has reached the point where kids almost can’t be kids anymore. It’s sad, but now I can truly say my childhood is better than this generation’s.

I’m Pretty Sure We Have Three Episodes of Season 13 of It’s Always Sunny Written

As I said in episode one of the podcast(link to first episode:, It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia is my favorite sitcom of all time. It’s only appropriate that AP Bio, Glenn Howerton’s new NBC show, and Philly playing in the Super Bowl occurred in the same weekend. No one 100% sure if season 13 is coming soon, if at all. However, after this past weekend, I’m convinced that Rob McElhenney and Glenn have material to write three episodes for the next season.

During the Super Bowl, an M&M’s commericial aired that featured Danny Devito as the human version of the Red M. He ran around the corner asking bystanders if they wanted to eat him, which they all turned down. After laughing at the fact no one wanted to eat him, he got plowed by a garbage truck.

This got me thinking: what if there was an episode where Frank turned into the Red M? It would be hilarious with the gang trying to revert him back to his human self. Maybe Charlie would try to eat him. I would watch it.

The next episode goes along with Philly winning the Super Bowl. This could possibly be the season finale. It could be the celebratory moment the gang has been waiting for their whole lives. Maybe they could be the reason the Patriots lose by tampering with the team before the game. Who knows? It could fun to see them reenact the Philly riots. No rules in Philly - Imgur.gif

If that’s not enough, the self-proclaimed Golden God of Twitter blessed us with a tweet a little while ago.

I can see Dennis leaving the bathroom in a rage and dealing with guy again. In the second instance, he would violently open the stall door and go on one of his many tirades. I think I’ve made my case. If they need any help with writing the next season, I’ll definitely provide my services.